We Do Our Best To Make Any Website Faster.

PageMTR was founded in 2020 by Andrzej Bernat, a software developer focused on building scalable applications and obsessed with improving the performance of applications and websites. In early 2023, PageMTR was acquired by Brendon and Lyndsay Worth, the founders and owners of the custom software development and cloud consulting firm Code Collaborators. Brendon and Lyndsays vision for PageMTR is to make it the worlds premier website monitoring solution.

PageMTR has attracted some of the greatest minds from across the technology industry. We have teamed up with technology consultants, marketing experts, and cloud professionals to ensure that PageMTR is secure, user friendly, and offers a best in class experience for all of our users across the globe.

But let's get to the point. What is PageMTR at its core? A self-bootstrapped company hyper-focused on delivering tools that make serious optimization of websites and applications a reality for anyone. You have to know the problem to fix the problem. Welcome to PageMTR.

Andrzej Bernat

Brendon and Lyndsay Worth

PageMTR Owners


Key Values

SEO Agencies

PageMTR is a place where you can keep all of your agency's clients performance reports. From here you can view the realtime analytics for each page and easily monitor it. If a page ever goes down, then PageMTR will notify you through an automatic email.

DEVS & SEO Experts

PageMTR is a centralized testing environment for webmasters and seo experts. One dashboard, one testing environment where seo experts/webmasters can test their sites with the same testing values. No more problems with people using different browsers, devices and testing values.

Managers & Owners

PageMTR is a tool which shows immediately results of the bad (or good) decisions before Google will see it. PageMTR allows also to see the results of the current work so you can have an eye on your team.

Empower your team. Try PageMTR

Everything you need from A to Z to efficiently optimize any website
